Flair 58 Portafilter Baskets

Sale price$ 475.20
Estilo: High-Flow 18gr (Straight Wall)

Flair 58 Portafilter Baskets

Select one of two Flair 58 portafilter baskets, our Low-flow or the High-flow model. Both are 18 gram baskets, and can usually accept between 16-20 grams dose.

  • High-Flow Basket – A straight-walled basket that does not come standard with the Flair 58 or the 58x. This basket requires a finer grind to achieve proper extraction but the straight walls will extract more evenly, resulting in a high clarity shot. Used most often with light and medium roasts.
  • Low-Flow Basket – The Low-Flow basket has chamfered edges and fewer exit holes, which funnel the brew water through the grounds during extraction. These features allow for easier dial-in and an overall coarser grind. Comes standard with all Flair 58 and 58x and presents an extraction with more viscosity and texture.



Weight .1 lbs
Dimensions 11 × 7.25 × .5 in